They have been keeping me pretty busy at the hospital. On my last call shift (where you stay overnight at the hospital) I didn't sleep at all. It has been very fun/educational though and I am learning a lot. Some times I wish I could be more help to my team, but I such is life. I guess the more I learn the more help I can be.
I still have some time for fun (occasionally). Today I went rock climbing for the first time. It was harder than it looks! On the plus side, I had a very good and patient teacher to guide me through my first rock climbing attempts. Despite being surprised by the difficulty, I had a really good time and look forward to trying my hand at climbing again.

View of Twin Falls during a recent hike.

Taking off my tight (and remarkably uncomfortable) climbing shoes after my very first climb.

I am sure this is exactly what you all wanted to see while reading my blog on your lunch break - a delightful shot of my hind-end. Whatever. The important thing is that I manged to very slowly climb and have a positive experience!

Wait, figure 8 knot?

Shoes... off... feet... resting... (happy sigh)