Monday, November 12, 2007

An interesting class...

So last week in our SHB class we had a lecture on pain. As a guest, a patient came to our class to describe the chronic pain he has been experiencing for many years. He described a very sharp pain between is big toe and the next toe on his left foot. He said it was so horrible it felt like an icepick had been slammed between these two toes. He has undergone countless different procedures and used many different medicines to try to control the pain with only varying degrees of success. So, what was so interesting about all of this? The foot isn't there! This man had his foot/lower leg amputated over 20 years ago, but he still experiences excruciating pain from the missing limb. This is apparently well documented in medicine and is called, "Phantom Limb Pain." We get to see some pretty amazing stuff!

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