Monday, April 28, 2008

Congratulations, Granny: Winner of Exciting Story Competition

Congratulations, Granny! She was the winner of my exciting story competition: "How Christy Broke Her Nose"

The following is a completely fictional story written by Granny:
(she got extra points for imagination and heroics on my part)

"Christy was observing her third autopsy at UW Medical School. She was one of those gathered intently around the unfortunate patient.

The patient suddenly shot upright and swung his arm outward and backward. All the doctors were frozen in horror at this grotesque event. Dr. Christine Harris' nose was bleeding, hit by that unexpected blow!

In spite of her pain, Dr. Christine knew immediately what to do. Taking charge, she firmly pushed the patient back down on the table. Everyone breathed deep sighs of relief. But they all had to pause to consider: Was this simply a dead man's reflex or are we autopsying a still-alive gentlemen? What do YOU think?"

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