Yesterday I woke up with a really bad headache and general body-aches. I drank lots of water, took extra strength Tylenol and Advil, but the headache didn't leave. This morning I woke up and I felt even worse. I actually thought, "I really hope I don't have to use my emergency medical evacuation issuance." My head and body/muscles/joints hurt so bad I could barely get up off my foam mattress. I also had a fever even though I had taken extra strength Tylenol a couple hours before. I decided this was a good time to seek some medical advice. I went to the clinic and told them I thought that I had a somewhat severe case of malaria. However, the lab technician said he thought I should be tested for typhoid as well. I came back 3 hours later to get my results and discovered I didn't have malaria, but I did have typhoid fever. I guess it is another disease to add to my list.
Coming soon, from Pixar…
8 years ago
I don,t know if it is necessary to catch all the third world diseases to learn about them. Andy
Hi Andy. Wow, thank you for this earth shattering revelation. Now that I know this I can stop intentionally infecting myself with horribly painful and life threatening tropical disease. :)
I read about typhoid. Here is the site I read.
It says you should be care full not to spread it to others. And to check after you are better to see if the bacteria remains in your body.
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