We practice all of the exam on each other except for the breast, rectal and genital exams. (whew!) The medical school pays volunteers to come in and allow us clueless med students practice the female breast and male genital and rectal exam on them. For the breast exam I was sort-of nervous and my hand was a little sweaty so during the exam my hand kept sticking to her breast. Awkward! However, the model was really nice and it went much better than I anticipated. Hopefully with a little practice I will be less nervous/sweaty when I do the exam on my first real patient.
The male genital and rectal exam model was really nice. He had been doing this for like 10 years and he was very calming and helped coach us through the process. That physical exam session definitely ruled out a specialty for me though - I now know that I can't do a urology sub specialty. My short stubby fingers aren't long enough to reach around to the top of the prostrate, which is a definite requirement for the practice of urology. Don't worry, I'm not crushed because I never wanted to do urology anyway. It was just an interesting discovery.
Anyway, after this last physical exam lab, it came to me that being a rectal exam volunteer for first year medical students might be a good episode for the show, "Dirty Jobs." Although our volunteer was very calm and extremely nice, it could hardly be comfortable to have your prostrate felt by 10 students in the span of a couple hours. It also could hardly be classified as a "clean job." Just a thought...

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