I posted earlier about the projects that Annie and I are trying to do in Kumi. They are going well and I thought I would give you some update pictures:
First some of the posters we made:

One of Annie's posters in English.
Translated into Ateso. For some reason some of the letters went funky when I tried to convert it into a JPG and upload it. The Ateso posters aren't the final drafts either, but you get the idea.
My poster in English. Essentially just trying to get people to wear shoes and advertise the reduced prices I was able to get for diabetic patients.
Then also translated into Ateso. Once again, not the final draft, but you can get the idea.
This is another poster and Annie made (I helped a little, but she was the mastermind).
Now some pictures of the tire shoe guy making shoes. We made 48 pairs of shoes in 2 weeks! Whew! Hopefully, he will continue to make shoes.

The guy is cutting the tire. He has dismember the tire before he can make shoes out of it.

The diabetes focal person. She was very very nice and extremely helpful.

The shoe guy is fitting a patient for a pair of shoes with the leather straps for a diabetic patient.

A pair of happy feet. One of the women we made shoes for had never worn shoes before and she had to practice several times before she could put her foot through all of the leather loops at once.

Our shoes! They have leather straps instead of rubber to make them more comfortable. The tire shoe guy is making them for us for slightly less than $2 US a pair. A pretty good deal. They also look nice which makes the patients very happy.
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