Now that Annie is gone and I am all by my little lonesome, I am playing catch-up from past pictures and stories. I really wish that I had taken pictures of the babies I delivered in the OB ward. However, the night before Annie left we visited a friend that we met in Kumi and his wife that had a 7 day old baby. He was so cute! I decided to post a few pics from this visit to stimulate your imaginations on how cute little newborn Ugandan babies are.

This is our friend's week old baby. I didn't deliver him, but imagine some slightly smaller babies that are just as cute, and that is what the babies looked like.

Ahhh... Here I am holding our friend's baby again.

Two of the midwifes from the delivery ward. They were so nice to me and taught me a lot about the delivery process.

Today I went and said goodbye to all of the lovely midwives at the maternity ward. It was really nice to see them again and we snapped a few pictures. This is the head midwife and she watched me deliver my first baby. Good memories...
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