I am very sorry that I haven't posted for a while. I have been very busy, but there really isn't any excuse for not updating my friends and blog readers on what has been going on in my life. We are coming to the end of the quarter now and approaching final exams craziness, but there have been many other events speckling the fall quarter of our second year.
I have now presented my IHOP (International Health Opportunities Program) poster about my project in Uganda twice. Both times I was slightly dreading the experience, but I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. It was nice to talk to people and share some experiences in Uganda as well as talk about some rising health issues in Uganda. Oh, and it also gave me an excuse to dress up in some of my Uganda clothes, which was really fun.
Here are just a few pics from the most recent poster session:

This picture didn't really turn out very well, but I was poster 3.

Here are some of the IHOP participants. Annie and I went to Uganda, but others went to Peru, Madagascar, and India.

Annie and I haven't seen each other as much since going back to school, so it was nice to catch up a little during the poster session.

Here I am with my poster. It was fun.
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