Friday, November 16, 2007

"Merck's HIV vaccine declared a failure" :-(

I think that everybody in the HIV field is slightly depressed about this at the moment. I thought you all might be interested:

Here is the link if you are interested in reading more:

"The STEP study, a phase II randomized control trial of Merck's HIV vaccine
has revealed this week that the drug is a failure, and may actually have
increased participants' risk of contracting HIV.  The trial was based in
Seattle, but had sites worldwide.  It was decided today that subjects will
be unblinded to which arm of the study they were randomized to.  Dr. John
Bartlett, chief of infectious disease at Hopkins said, 'Some people will say
we're right where we were in 1985 and, in some ways, we are.'"

1 comment:

Christy said...

Hi All,

I am really sorry about the white highlighting on this blog entry. I know it makes the entry really hard to read. The blogger program just wouldn't let me get rid of it.
