Now it is time for a deep, dark confession: I have become a T.P. Kleptomaniac. OK, so maybe kleptomaniac is a slightly strong word for what I have become, because I can actually control the my desire to steal T.P. when I want or need to. Now, your first question is probably, "Why have you developed the habit of stealing toilet paper?" My answer is simple, "survival." It may be unknown to some of the readers of this blog, but apparently nearly all Africans don't use toilet paper. Therefore it is not available in pit latrines and outhouses. Early in my visit to Africa I developed the habit of carrying T.P. with my everywhere. I have started taking toilet paper form every hotel I have stayed in.
I can imagine an awkward conversation on the first day of medical school: a girl walks up to me and says, "Hi, I'm Kate." I say, "I'm Christine." She says, "Uh, why are you carrying a whole role of toilet paper in your backpack?" I say, "Oh that, (embarrassed laugh) I carry toilet paper around with me everywhere because of an insecurity I developed while I was in Africa - that I would go to the pit latrine and I wouldn't have any T.P. with me." Then the girl says, "But now you are back in the United States and there is toilet paper in every bathroom, so your behavior makes now sense."
Yeah, this conversation will probably happen.
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