Usually on my birthday I am madly studying for finals (or taking a final). One year I actually had both a statistics final and a neuropathophysiology final on my birthday. Then I usually have a joint birthday with two of my brothers, Paul and Peter, who have birthdays very close to mine. However, this year I got to spend my birthday in an IDP camp in Africa! It was so cool. We didn't exactly have cake and ice cream. There wasn't even a place to buy toilet paper or bottled water in the camp, but Logan and Alex wanted to celebrate. We continued the birthday tradition of sugar consumption and tooth day by buying soda and biscuits. It was really nice. My first birthday in Africa! I hope it is the first of many!
Coming soon, from Pixar…
8 years ago
It's great to hear from you again! We've missed you, two weeks is a long time with no word. I'm relieved to see you looking so good, you must be feeling okay. A belated Happy Birthday to you! As always, you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Susie Edwards
Hi Mrs. Edwards! Thanks for the comments. I am glad that you read the blog so regularly. I had a bunch of blog posts planned but the internet has been really sssslllllooooowww so I haven’t been able to up-load very many pictures yet. I hope you are doing well. Christy
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