We will be working out of Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda. (see picture below).

Aparently, Annie and I will be engaging in something called the COBES program and also observing some clinical work.
The description of the COBES program from the Makerere Handbook is:
"It has been recognized over time that it is critical for professional education to include a time when you are trained in the community, students go for COBES internship for 6 weeks. Students are sent to different health centres in a rural setting all over the country. This helps appreciate how the majority of our populace lives, thinks and what afflicts them. Students get involved in activities that help them understand people’s needs and concerns.
They also get an opportunity to participate in any non-governmental organization (NGO) programs, which may be in place in the community.
Another enormous benefits of spending time at Makerere University is being able to observe amazing clinical work on AIDS and other infectious diseases. I am really excited about the trip and I hope to learn a lot!
Now, you know everything that I know about what I will be doing this summer. That didn't take long, did it?

1 comment:
Hello :)
My name is Andrea, I come from Iceland and I am going to Uganda this coming June. I will be volunteering at an orphanage called "Need for All" in Kampala for at least 4 months.
I googled "Uganda" and "medicine" and found your blog. :) It is very interesting and you are obviously living an adventure! I really admire what you are (and have been) doing.
I read your blog from 2007 and I really got a little feeling of how it is living in Uganda. Great pictures and you are a very fun writer!
I am actually very interested in medicine and it is my dream to study that after my one year off. I am very curious about your work in Kampala this summer and also if you have any advice for me, this will be my first trip to Africa. :)
Actually I saw in your interests; Africa and medicine practicing medicine in Africa, and I was wondering if you ever considered maybe studying medicine in Uganda? I have actually been thinking a little bit about Makerere University. :)
Thank you very much for reading and it would be great to hear from you! :)
Best greetings,
Andrea Hyldahl from Iceland
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