The med school told us that a car is pretty much required for 3rd year. Third year at the UW med school is when we start doing 6 week rotations in different hospitals in various specialties. Sometimes med students get off very late (ie 11:00pm or 3am) and bus aren't running or it would be unsafe to take them, so driving is pretty much your only reasonable option. Also, in second year they have us doing some interviews at the VA hospital which is pretty hard to get to by bus (3 buses from my house). So overall a car is pretty handy for shopping, etc.
Anyway, I started looking for a car a couple months ago. When I say, "I" started looking, what I really mean is I asked my stepdad who is a mechanic to start looking for me. My goal was to find a small used car that would be affordable, good for the city, have low mileage and that would get good gas mileage. Initially we found some good deals but they turned out to be lemons. One car looked like a really good deal, but it was owned previously by a chain smoker and my clothes smelled like cigarette smoke all day after test driving it. After some disappointments, Andy found an add in the local newspaper for a car right down the hill from us. It had only been driven by a little old lady to her job and back for a few years and then sat in her garage after she retired. It only had 13,000 miles on it and was in great condition. I bought it and I have been very happy with it so far.
For some reason whenever anyone sees my car for the first time they say, "Oh, it is so cute!" Andy says this is because they can't say, "Oh, your new car is so cool!" because it is a Kia Rio and a Kia could never be considered cool. Therefore "Cute" is the next best thing to cool. It is true that my car isn't the fanciest thing on the block. It doesn't have air conditioning, electric locks or windows, and is probably outshone by the 3+ Mini Coopers that park on our street. But whatever, it works for me!
Epilogue by Stephanie: (See posted comment) :)
Thanks Stephanie for making my car "cool"!!!!

So, while I already think your car is COOL and not CUTE, by virtue of it's KIA origins, I thought I'd make some artistic suggestions if you do want to un-cute-ify it further.
See here:
cool car photo
(If not already clear by my awesome MSPaint skillz, you are in the driver seat, me at shotgun, and we are cruisin' with some blinged out wheel rims to California. Oh, and your car is painted with flames. What could be cooler than that?)
I need to stop procrastinating from studying... (sorry for deleting the other comment, it was the same as this one, except not as awesome.)
Stephanie! You are amazing! Only you could make my car that cool. I think you need to quit grad school and do professional graphic design in MS Paint because you have some serious talent.
I wish you were here to ride in my sweet Kia (or that I was in San Diego to ride in yours with you)! Maybe we will have to do the Amazing Race Kia style or something like that with our blinged wheels and flame paint jobs!
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