I enjoy the occasional game of online Scrabble with my Mom, my sisters and some of my friends. Unfortunately, my pride has taken a major hit recently as my 12 year old sister, Sarah, has started to routinely creaming me at Scrabble. Today I received an email that it was my turn on our online Scrabble game with the following score summary:
Score Summary:
Player | Score |
Sarah | 167 |
Christy | 88 |

This is a picture of the game, only a few moves later. Now the score is: Sarah 297, Christy 204, and it is Sarah's turn. You can see that both Sarah and I try to make good use of double and triple stacking words to get as many points as possible out of each letter. Sarah is much better at it than I am. [Oh no! Now Sarah can look at this picture and know which letters I have for my next turn! darn. Does anybodyhave any advice on how to gain back some of my points?]
I am double Sarah's age, but she is wiping the floor with me in Scrabble! How embarrassing is that?
A couple minutes later I got another email about the other Scrabble game we are playing against each other, where I haven been desperately trying to catch up. Not to worry, she is beating me in that game as well:
Score Summary:
Player | Score |
Super Sarah! | 287 |
Christy | 263 |

This is a picture taken of Sarah when she was about a year old. She liked to play the recorder while I played guitar, but she always played the recorder upside down. Little did we know that she was a future Scrabble genius.
An update on my Scrabble humiliation. Today I got the following email update about my Scrabble game with Sarah:
Score Summary:
Player | Score |
Sarah | 262 |
Christy | 147 |
Sarah : Mom just showed me your blog about me beating you at scrabble. It is really funny.
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