Keep looking.
Keep looking.
Do you give up? The peculiar item in that picture is a mac imposter! Specifically it is my black HP computer with an Apple sticker on the front.
So, macs have long been the oppressed minority in our society. However, with the invention of the IPOD, the Apple company has finally started to make money and now the mac notebooks are cooler than ever. I would say about 1/2 of our med school class has an Apple laptop. Which is fine, I have nothing against Apple. However, during last year and for part of this year almost every single visiting professor (who nearly always has a mac him or herself) says something to the effect of: "There are a lot of laptops out there. I am really glad to see that macs have become popular and now out number the PCs. Well, I guess they are the better computer!" (or something like that). Some professors don't go as far as to claim that macs are better, but somehow they communicate that they clearly think that macs were the cooler computer and that they would be the laptop that the more evolved and intelligent members of the human species would possess.
During a phone conversation with my older brother, Aaron, I ranted about the Apple superiority complex that many visiting professors had going on and said that I wished I could put an Apple sticker on my good old PC for just fun. A short while later, my brother was cleaning out a desk and found a couple Apple stickers which he mailed to me. The next day, my inside joke was complete. It makes me happy and I routinely burst out laughing when I think of my Apple camouflage.
I hope you all enjoy my joke too, even though it may seem strange.

NOTE: Please don't get me wrong, I have nothing against macs or people who own macs and I think I might want to buy one someday (if I can afford it). I am merely having fun lightheartedly mocking the superior attitude of some mac owners.
1 comment:
Yeah! I'm glad you're putting your disguise to good use. It cracks me up as well. This is by far the most entertaining thing I could have done with the 42 cents I spent on that stamp.
People talk about Macs and PC's like sports teams - you have to take one side or the other!
Way to stick it to them (ok that was a really bad pun).
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