Sunday, February 14, 2010

Peds in Pocatello, Idaho.

First let me apologize to my blog readers about being so bad about updating my blog. I was so happy to be back in Seattle with friends and family after being in Alaska for 6 weeks that I didn't publish any of my blog posts that I started during my psychiatry rotation. I have now made a few edits and back published some of my tardy blog Jan and Feb blog entries. Just as a heads up: The date at the top of the blog entry is the date when I save the first draft of that entry, not when it is finally published to the blog. Thanks to Aunt Bev for reminding me that people still read my blog and that she missed my updates!

Now, for an update. I have now finished my psychiatry rotation. I made the 12 hour drive from Seattle to Pocatello, Idaho where I starting off my 6 week pediatrics rotation. I am very excited about the rotation. I love kids and am considering pediatrics as one of my specialty choices. Pocatello is supposed to be one of the best places to do the pediatrics rotation because you see a wide variety of pediatric problems in clinic, in the hospital and in the NICU. There are 10 different physicians we will be working with during the 6 week rotation.

Opportunities for personal enrichment outside of the hospital/clinic may be a little less varied. I did some research prior to departing for Pocatello, I did some research on things to do in Pocatello and I found the following website:
Apparently the top things to do in Pocatello are:
1) Visit a museum
2) Visit a Fort Hall Replica
3) Visit Old Town
4) Visit an old church
5) Visit a mansion

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