Despite our enjoyment of OB, at the end of our stay in Anchorage, the cold weather and the very short number of daylight hours made us pretty happy to get on the plane and come back to Washington State.
Here is a picture of the OB students I was with in Anchorage. From left to right they are Jonathan, Lindsey, Kristin, and me. This was taken after our final exam on the very few hours of day light. By the time we were about to leave a large portion of our conversations focused the fairly depressing topic of astounding lack of daylight hours. Here are just a few of our sample conversations:
Jonathan at 1:30pm, "Hey, guys look at the beautiful sunset outside." We looked outside, and indeed there was a brilliant red sunset behind the snow covered mountains. It was indeed beautiful, it perhaps would have been even more touching if it was occurring at 5 or 6pm instead of 1:30.
Lindsey, at around 11am a couple days later (just a couple days before the shortest day of the year), "Hey, guys, look! It is another beautiful sunset." Me, "That is beautiful, but it is before noon, so that would make it a sunrise." Lindsey, "Uh, that looks just like the sunset a couple days ago. Are you sure it is not a sunset?" Allow be to explain this conversation. Towards our last days in December, the days became so sort that the sun essentially rose as a sliver of light from behind the mountains in the south (around 10am), and set as sliver of light a few hours later as a sliver of light coming behind the mountains from the south. Thus, other than the time of day, the sunset would be difficult to differentiate from a sunrise.
After a brief, but well needed break for Christmas, I am now on my 6 week psychiatry rotation in Seattle. I am looking forward to some unique experiences and catching up with people in Washington.
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