Sunday, January 3, 2010

Enough with spam comments on my blog!

I curse you internet junk-mail spammers!!!!!! (earthquakes, thunder and lightening sound). No more spam comments on my blog! No, I don't want comments trying to sell Viagra on my blog posts about learning Swahili in Tanzania. Anonymous comment posting has been eliminated due to abuse by spammers. You must now have a Google account to make a comment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I was searching a "Tulane + Kenya" on the web and your blog came up. I am a board member of a New Orleans non-profit, HeartGift. Our mission is to provide life saving surgery to children that live outside of the US. Our first child is a 9 mth old boy from Kenya and is due to have surgery at Children's Hospital later this month. We are looking for a host family and other volunteers to help with the management of this process. I saw your blog and thought you may know of like minded individuals that are still in New Orleans that may want to be invovled with this case. Please let me know if you have any thougts on the issue. I can be reached at thank you.