Wednesday, November 11, 2009

6minutes X10 = 1 hour

When we arrived, we were told that the sun sets 6 minutes earlier each day this time of year in Anchorage. At first we didn't think it sounded like much, then we realized: 6 minutes a day X 10 days = 1 hour! Every ten days we are here it gets dark 1 hour earlier! Yikes. So if it gets dark around 4:45pm when we first arrived, it is going to get dark around 3:45pm in just 10 days, etc. (Ok, sorry for saying the exact same thing 3 times). Apparently by the time we leave daylight will extend from around 10am to 2:30pm or something crazy like that. Fortunately the clinic I have been assigned to has lots of windows so I will get to see the sun for a little while each day.

I hope you all are well. If you live in an area with lots of sun now, soak up some rays for me!

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