Although we don't actually get to do any OB/GYN work there, several people have strongly recommended that we take a tour around the Alaska Native Medical Center (where native Alaskans get their medical care). It was a really nice hospital with AMAZING artwork. If you are ever in Anchorage I strongly recommend visiting. Just a couple pictures here. It is an excellent reminder of the cultural heritage of the area/state. Lindsey took these pics because my memory card was full.

View from the top of the ANMC. The medical complex was pretty impressive and quite modern. I was very impressed.

Walrus Ivory carvings abounded. They were really good. There were several larger whale-bone carvings as well.

Lots of artwork adorned hallways and entryways into the hospital. The main entry is actually a sitting area in large circle to symbolize community and sharing between the different Native Alaskan people groups.

This was a basket display on the second floor. The plaque next to the basket says that sometimes seal gut is used assist with decorating the baskets.

The information sign beside this display said this traditional coat is made out of squirrel fur.
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