Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Arriving in Alaska, quick update

I arrived in Anchorage on Saturday. The flight was fairly uneventful other than being an pretty sparsely populated plane and it seemed to have a slightly higher percentage of red-neck type personalities on board. I was slightly horrified to discover that the largest airport in the largest city in the entire state only had one baggage carousel. While waiting for my luggage, I discovered a well dressed and articulate man waiting for luggage. I took a chance and asked if he was a medical student. He was indeed a medical student who had taken time out to get his PhD, hence why I did not recognize him. We were taken to the University of Alaska Anchorage campus where were placed in the wrong apartment. After some more adventures and the arrival of our 3rd OB/GYN student (Lindsey), we found the correct room and moved all of our baggage. It snowed 3 inches on Sunday night and we were awoken frequently by the grinding of snow plows. Today they put the studded snow tires on our all-wheel-drive Subaru and we seem to be in pretty good shape as far as transport goes. Lindsey, one of the other girls on the OB rotation, used to be ambulance driver for 5 years and is really good in driving in all weather conditions. I have driven here once, but gladly defer to other more experienced snow drivers. Tonight it is 14 degrees F, but according to the weather report it feels like 5 degrees F. It stings a little when the air hits your face, but we have marveled at how little the natives seem to wear despite the chilly temperatures. We must seem like people visiting Seattle decked out in rain boots, rain coats, rain pants, and umbrellas when it is just slightly sprinkling.

Monday and today were both days of orientation to the OB/GYN rotation. Today we had a suture workshop where we practiced cutting and suturing up placentas and tying surgical knots. It was fun, but once again I was faced with the realization that I am coordination-challenged.

Everyone keeps asking, but, no, I have not seen Russia yet. :)

I will try to keep updating when I can. Lindsey and I saw a moose tonight, but I didn't have my camera with me, so I didn't get a picture! Better luck next time.

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